Categories: Apple

Apple iOS 11 will have ‘dark mode’ to save your retinas

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Apple is unveiling all kinds of new things at the WWDC this week, one of which is a dark mode for iOS 11.

Have you ever been on your iPhone and thought ‘this thing is too damn bright’. Perhaps you’ve pondered ‘what would it look like if I was tripping on ‘shrooms right now?’ but didn’t want to actually drop acid?

More realistically you probably thought that looking at your iPhone at night is something that likely keeps you up thanks to the brightness of the screen.

Apple, apparently, has us covered on all three of those previous fronts.

The solution is something called Dark Mode, and Apple has added it into the new iOS 11 — which is set to drop this fall. Basically it inverts the color scheme on your screen the same way we did with photoshop in middle school.

Here’s what it looks like:

This seems to be building on the Night Mode that the current iOS is running with. That mode dims the OLED brightness on the screen to make it easier for your eyes to rest as you’re looking at your phone at night. It also helps save battery life — supposedly.

Dark Mode has a bit of a gimmicky feel to it, since it’s a little jarring to see. I’d imagine we’ll get use to it after using it for a while, which seems to be the case with everything Apple puts into its new devices.

Right now Dark Mode is available on iOS 11 Beta and will be rolled out when the new software goes wide this fall.


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