Categories: Apple

Apple founder Ronald Wayne tells Steve Jobs story

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In a recent interview with Business Insider, Apple co-founder Ronald G. Wayne tells a story about Steve Jobs to describe the former CEO’s personality.

Apple has become one of the most innovative companies in the world over the past few decades, in large part thanks to former CEO Steve Jobs. While he wasn’t known as one of the most friendly people in the world, one of Apple’s fellow co-founders did a great job of describing what made Jobs such a unique kind of person.

Ronald G. Wayne was one of the co-founders of Apple alongside Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Wayne is known best for selling his 10 percent share of the company for $800 before the company became what it is today.

In a recent interview with Business InsiderWayne told a story about Jobs’ personality. Despite being considered such an incredible innovator, Jobs’ realm of knowledge seemed to include only things he was interested in, according to Wayne, who cited that Jobs didn’t even know that aluminum was a conductor because that wasn’t something that interested the former Apple CEO.

You can watch the entire interview from Wayne about Jobs in the Twitter video below.

Wayne also recalled a story of Jobs criticizing how Wayne did his job despite having 20-plus years of experience in electronics, but he also noted that was what made Jobs so successful.

“Was he the nicest guy in the world? No,” Wayne recalled. “But what’s the old story? Nice guys don’t win ballgames.”

There are plenty of stories about Jobs and his type of personality, but it’s not every day that we get to hear from one of the original co-founders of Apple.


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