30 Famous Movie Foods From Iconic Hollywood Films

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Do you consider yourself a movie buff? Well, so do we. See how many of these famous movie foods from iconic Hollywood films you recognize!

Katz’s Delicatessen Sandwich from When Harry Met Sally

So, what was she having? If you’ve seen When Harry Met Sally, you remember that scene. Turns out, it was at Katz’s Deli!

This is an iconic NYC deli. Even though their pastrami sandwiches are upwards of twenty bucks, you’ll still want to have what she’s having.

If you haven’t seen this movie, go watch it. It’s the best rom com of all time. Not to get controversial, but it’s Nora Ephron’s magnum opus.

Ratatouille from Ratatouille

You don’t have to be a talented little rat to make this. This famous movie food has become synonymous with the 2007 animated film.

This french delicacy has been around long before it became one of the most famous movie foods, though. It’s made from tomato, squash, zucchini, eggplant, and peppers.

In all honesty, it’s a really simple dish. Garlic and thyme are usually used as seasoning. Your ratatouille might not impress Anton Ego, but who cares?

Spaghetti and Meatballs from Lady and the Tramp

Who could forget that one scene? Spaghetti and meatballs are forever ingrained in all of our minds one of the most romantic dishes now.

Apparently, that scene almost got the axe. Disney expert Steven Vagnini told Yahoo! that Walt Disney wanted to cut it, since he couldn’t imagine dogs eating gracefully.

We all know now that he couldn’t have been more wrong. Don’t lie: you probably tried to kiss someone via spaghetti strand after watching this.

Turkish Delight from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

When this scene played out in the first Narnia movie, lots of American kids were scratching their heads. What exactly is a Turkish delight?

A Turkish delight (a.k.a lokum) is a chewy candy caked in sugar. There’s lots of different flavors, but they usually contain some sort of chopped nut.

Would you sell out your siblings to an evil witch for one of these? Yeah, we don’t think they seem that good, either.

Chocolate Frogs from Harry Potter series

Unfortunately, this is one of those famous movie foods that’s impossible to recreate, unless you coat a living frog in chocolate. Which, by the way, you shouldn’t do.

Anyway, you can’t get a moving chocolate frog like they have on the Hogwarts Express. But they do sell chocolate frogs at Universal Studios in Florida.

If you can’t afford a plane ticket, you could always buy them online. Or you could melt chocolate and reshape it into a frog with a mold.

Lembas Bread from The Lord of the Rings series

If you’re a huge Tolkien nerd, you’ve probably already tried making this famous movie food. Made by the elves, it’s meant to nourish you on a long journey.

It was pretty much the only thing Sam and Frodo ate on their way to Mordor. It’s also the ostensible source of their Return of the King argument.

You (hopefully) won’t be going on a life-changing (and, possibly, ending) journey to Mordor. You can bake some Lembas bread in your kitchen, though.

Blueberry Pie from Stand By Me

Remember that pie-eating contest in Stand By Me? Yeah…we can’t forget that “complete and total barf-o-rama” either. Don’t get us wrong, blueberry pies are delicious.

Still, we wouldn’t blame you if that scene gave you blueberry phobia. Sorry for the reminder, but if we’re talking famous movie foods, these needed a shoutout.

That stomach grumbling sound still fills us with dread. Unless you down castor oil and eggs before eating it, though, you probably won’t projectile vomit.

Box of Chocolates from Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump once said, “life is like a box of chocolates — you never know what you’re gonna get.” You will get chocolate, but that’s not the point.

This is one of the most famous movie foods here. That phrase has seeped into our general lexicon, even if you’ve never seen Forrest Gump.

It’s also better than peas and carrots. Sorry, we know that that’s another cute, quotable line from this movie, but if we’re talking food, we prefer chocolates.

Big Kahuna Burger from Pulp Fiction

We hear they sell pretty tasty Hawaiian burgers over at Big Kahuna. No harm in buying one — that is, if your name isn’t Brett.

You probably already know this, but Big Kahuna doesn’t actually exist. The burger joint does appear in multiple films directed by Quentin Tarantino, though.

Aside from Pulp Fiction, Big Kahuna features in Reservoir Dogs and Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood. Get a side of Sprite, and your meal is complete!

Krabby Patty from SpongeBob SquarePants movie

If there ever was a burger more iconic than the ones from Big Kahuna, it’s the Krabby Patty. Just don’t ask what’s in it — that’s top secret.

They’ve been the source of celebrity birthday cakes and fan recreations for decades. Aside from the different variations (Pretty Patties, anyone?), Krabby Patties are simple.

It’s mostly just a burger with cheese, onions, lettuce, and tomato. We have no idea about the meat. Unlike Plankton, we don’t want to know.

Lobster from Annie Hall

Nobody wants lobsters crawling around on their kitchen floor — especially not when there’s four of them. Annie Hall, a 1970s Woody Allen film, shows just that.

Once you manage to get them in the pot, though, all should be well. You won’t even need to call the police to cook them for you.

We never do see the lobsters get eaten, now that we think of it. We know they’re symbolic and all, but they would’ve made a great meal.

Green Eggs and Ham from Green Eggs and Ham (Netflix Series)

The reason we know about green eggs and ham is because some guy hates them. This would give them a bad rep, but everyone wants to try them.

The only time you’ve eaten green eggs and ham is probably St. Paddy’s Day. We think you should eat them for breakfast, just because.

Seeing as Green Eggs and Ham is all about trying new things, this is fitting! The next time you eat eggs and ham, dye them green.

Timballo from Big Night

Timballo is an Italian food, so you can bet that it’s good, even without Big Night. If you’ve seen it, you know that this is the dish.

This dish is also known as timpano, depending on where in Italy you’re from. If you haven’t had it before, think of it like a baked lasagna.

It’s another layered pasta dish made with meat and sauce, among other spices and such. In Big Night, they include boiled eggs and sausage.

Tater Tots from Napoleon Dynamite

Tater tots are the perfect size to store in your pocket and snack on while taking a test. Wait, that’s not why they’re so small?

Make sure you don’t let anyone see them, though. People might try to steal them, going so far as to kick your special tots pocket.

Napoleon Dynamite jokes aside, these are the only thing we miss from the high school cafeteria. They’re just not as easy to come by anymore.

Coq au Vin from Julie & Julia

If you’ve been following our blog for a while now, you know that we’re big Julia Child fans. Mastering the Art of French Cooking was a seminal work.

This was directed by (cinematic genius) Nora Ephron. In the movie, Julie (Meryl Streep) attempts to cook every recipe in that book, including coq au vin.

Julia Child’s coq au vin is one of her most famous dishes. It is considered the best version of the dish out there, because of course.

Cornbread from Life

Yes, we’re referring to the 1999 movie called Life. Not the weird alien movie of the same name from 2017. There’s no cornbread in that one.

No, the movie that we’re referring to has a whole fight scene involving cornbread. It would’ve been cool if the alien ate cornbread, though.

We don’t think we’d pick a fight over cornbread, but then again, that depends on the cornbread. Also, we’re not in prison, so it’s a totally different context.

Garlic Bread from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Garlic bread is definitely powerful enough to give you the fuel to battle your crush’s seven evil exes. Unfortunately, you can’t eat it with every meal.

According to Ramona Flowers, bread makes you fat. So, maybe not every meal, but come on, it’s garlic bread. you can’t just give it up entirely.

This was a really brief, but memorable, scene from the movie. One of the best cooking YouTube channels, the Babish Culinary Universe, even made a video on it.

Chocolate Cake from Matilda

Okay, we know that it’s usually wrong to steal. But Miss Trunchbull definitely deserved it. Who can blame Bruce Bogtrotter for wanting a piece of chocolate cake?

After Bruce steals Trunchbull’s cake, she devises the perfect punishment: making him eat a huge cake. It probably ruined his appetite for a month.

Chocolate cake is delicious, sure, but watching that scene nearly ruined it for us. We would never touch chocolate again if we were in Bruce’s shoes.

Snow Cones from Monsters, Inc.

Snow cones are always good, but are probably extra tasty when made by a yeti. You know, as long as they’re not made from yellow snow.

Sure, the abominable snowman said that it was just lemon, but you can never be too careful. Where did he even get lemons, anyway?

In general, though, snow cones are pretty good. You know, during the summertime, when you’re in the mood for a cold, refreshing dessert. Not during a blizzard.

Cheeseburger from Iron Man

Cheeseburgers and Iron Man are closely intertwined. In the first Iron Man movie, the first thing Tony wants after being held captive is an American cheeseburger.

So, he heads to Burger King. Looks like he had his priorities straight. If you remember Endgame, you’ll know that his daughter loved cheeseburgers, too.

The first thing she asks for at her dad’s funeral is cheeseburgers. We hope Happy made good on his promise and got her all the cheeseburgers she wanted.

Wonka Bar from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Wonka bars towed the line between fiction and reality. While they originated in fiction, they were sold as real chocolate after the success of the 1971 movie.

Unfortunately, they were discontinued. Turns out, it’s hard to bring the magic of a Wonka bar to life. Any Wonka bar you find online is probably fake.

That doesn’t mean you can’t make it for yourself, though! If you’re up to the task, you can make your own Wonka chocolate at home.

Pawpaw Fruit from The Jungle Book

Pawpaw is mentioned during “The Bare Necessities” song. If you noticed this namedrop while watching, you may have wondered what a pawpaw even is.

Believe it or not, pawpaw fruit are real, and they’re native to North America. The more you know, right? Still, this doesn’t fully answer the question.

If pawpaws are North American, then why is it mentioned in The Jungle Book? Well, “pawpaw” is another word for “papaya,” which is what Baloo refers to.

Reese’s Pieces from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

According to E.T., the best way to bridge the gap between humanity and extraterrestrials is Reese’s Pieces. If I was an alien, Reese’s Pieces would blow my mind.

How did ET even digest them? We have no idea, but, according to Far Out magazine, the movie boosted sales for Reese’s Pieces astronomically.

Apparently, ET was originally supposed to eat M&Ms, but they didn’t have permission to use them. So, luckily for Hershey’s they pivoted to Reese’s Pieces.

Cuban Sandwich from Chef

This sandwich is a Floridian regional delicacy. It’s only fitting that a movie about a food truck in Miami would feature them at some point or another.

These sandwiches are the most iconic meal from the film. Watching the scene where they make them from scratch is guaranteed to make you hungry.

The recipe is definitely worth taking a crack at on your own. It might not be as mouthwatering as what they make in Chef, but it’ll be delish.

Schnitzel with Noodles from The Sound of Music

Schnitzel with noodles is allegedly one of Maria von Trapp’s favorite things. While there’s nothing wrong with schnitzel or noodles, Austrians generally don’t combine the two.

In Germany, they eat schnitzel with spaetzle, a kind of egg noodle. That’s probably the closest you can get to what Maria was referencing.

Even if the food she references isn’t authentically Austrian, it still probably tastes good. Still not as good as whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens.

Prison Wine (“Pruno”) from Goodfellas

The wine they drank in Goodfellas was better than your average prison wine. Since they “owned the joint,” they could smuggle in the good stuff.

That’s not the case with most prisoners. Prison wine, according to Punch, is usually made with overripe oranges, sugar, and water in a bucket.

If there’s anything you take away, it’s that the guys in Goodfellas were eating better in prison than you do on a daily basis. Seriously, I’m jealous.

Twinkies from Zombieland

Twinkies are the only food that could last long enough to survive a zombie apocalypse. We don’t want to even know what’s in them. Either way, we’re grateful that they exist.

Tallahassee sure is, too. Twinkies were pretty much the only thing that got him through the day-to-day horrors of living in a world run by zombies.

If you think Snowballs are a close second, you’re dead wrong. At least, according to Tallahassee, who flies into a rage when the Hostess truck has no Twinkies.

Ambrosia Salad from Edward Scissorhands

Ambrosia salad is a barbecue staples that I tend to avoid because it looks like vomit. Maybe I’m the one in the wrong here, though.

After all, Edward Scissorhands seems to enjoy it. In a bid to get his attention, Joyce feeds her homemade ambrosia salad to him at the barbecue.

I don’t know if I’d have been able to chew and swallow such a huge spoonful of the stuff. Then again, I’m not Edward Scissorhands.

Tacos from The Lego Movie

In The Lego Movie, the villain basically conquers the city by promising free tacos. To be completely honest…President Business’s fake Taco Tuesday scheme would work on us, too.

What? We’re not proud of it! Don’t pretend that your ears wouldn’t perk up at the promise of a free taco. Free food is free food.

It doesn’t matter anyway, though, since the tacos were a total farce. Shame on you, President Business (even though you’re a Lego man and not real).

Chocolate Croissant from It’s Complicated

True to its name, It’s Complicated as the one of most complicated and confusing love triangles to hit the silver screen. The food, however, is anything but.

It stars Meryl Streep as a bakery owner. So, of course it features a bunch of delicious baked goods, one of them being a chocolate croissant.

Streep and Steve Martin go on a date and bake a warm chocolate croissant together. They probably have the most fun anyone’s ever had while making it.

Which of These Famous Movie Foods Will You Try?

Who doesn’t love famous movie foods? When you try them, you can travel wherever you want, without leaving the comfort of your home.

Want to feel like a clumsy chef with a rat controlling you by pulling on your hair? (Wow, that was a crazy movie). Make some ratatouille!

Regardless of what famous movie foods you choose to explore, we can all agree on one thing. We will not scarf down blueberry pies.

Max Rosenberg

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