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People thought that Pokemon Go would have faded away by now, but new extension are adding even more incentive for players to use the engrossing mobile game.
For those who haven’t played Pokemon Go, the entire purpose of the game is to walk around and catch Pokemon that randomly pop up around the world. The walking part is essential, as it allows you to hatch eggs that contain Pokemon and also find more Pokemon in general.
Obviously, there are potential health benefits to all of that walking, at least for the committed Pokemon Go users. Because of this, one company had the brilliant idea to create a fitness app extension to the game.
PokeFit‘s goal is to “level up your fitness” by tracking  distance traveled, time played and calories burned. All of this information is displayed on a convenient dashboard that’s displayed on the upper left corner of the game screen. You can see a photo of what the dashboard looks like below.
The app also keeps track of battery drain and data usage, which is huge for those users who play for long periods of time and want to know when it’s time to slow down or stop. Another intriguing feature is the fact that PokeFit keeps track of the routes you’ve taken on Google Maps, which can allow you to see all of the ground you’ve covered playing the game.
With add-on apps coming out, it looks like Pokemon Go is here to stay. Now the next thing the app needs to figure out is how to keep people from playing and driving.