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30 Pokemon Go hacks and tips you need to know

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Still from Pokemon GO in-game. Photo: Niantic/The Pokemon Company

29. Evaluating a Pokemon

Pokemon GO‘s most recent update included something for the Team Leaders to actually do, aside from just standing around and looking cool in artwork. They will now appraise your Pokemon.

To do this, simply go to your Pokemon and click on the one you’d like to evaluate. Then, open the menu in the lower-right corner, and select “appraise.” Your team leader will then come up and say they’ll take a look for you.

First, they’ll offer an overall assessment. For example, the leader may say that the Pokemon has caught their attention, indicating a Pokemon that may be worth training. They may also say it doesn’t have much potential overall or that it’s simply above average.

Then, they’ll tell you the Pokemon’s best stat overall. Leaders may also comment on the size of the Pokemon if they’re particularly small or large. We’ve also seen leaders say that a Pokemon’s stats are trending in a positive direction.

While it doesn’t appear to give you solid numbers, that doesn’t mean that this isn’t a useful feature. If you have two identical Pokemon and are trying to decide which to raise, the appraisal will tell you if one has a better stat spread than the other and probably which Pokemon has more potential. Furthermore, if you have a plethora of one Pokemon, you can weed out the best of the bunch and turn the others in for more Candy.

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