Categories: Nike

Ranking the 30 best sports jerseys Nike ever made

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UNITED STATES – NOVEMBER 07: NBA 97/98 CHICAGO BULLS; Michael JORDAN/CHICAGO BULLS (Photo by Alexander Hassenstein/Bongarts/Getty Images)

28. Chicago Bulls (1997-98)

Nike got the opportunity to design some NBA uniforms in the mid to late 1990’s. One of the teams they got to do were the Chicago Bulls. Wisely, they didn’t mess with their primary home and away jerseys. The red home jerseys were bold and beautiful while the white road look was classy and sweet. However, the company has never been afraid to get bold, so they did by creating an all black alternate look.

This look influenced a lot of jerseys. Now you can get the all black look to just about any jersey. It’s easy to see why the black look is so popular. It’s crisp and it kind of resembles something a heel would wear. Seriously, watch any sports movie. Chances are, the “bad guys” are wearing all black. Perhaps Nike was inspired by the NWO Wolfpack when they thought up these jerseys.

The Bulls already had an excellent selection of jerseys at the time. Their all black alternates put them in the elite category for NBA jerseys. It also separated them as one of the top jersey providers in the world. This was the first chance they had at designing an NBA jersey and it turned out to be a slam dunk. While Reebok would eventually nail the exclusive rights, the company was kept in mind for future options. They already had a huge place in the shoe market, but this put their spot in the basketball market in concrete. Get used to seeing more NBA jerseys like this one because Nike has exclusive rights starting in 2017-18.

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