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Utah: Wasatch Brewery
What do you think of when someone asks if you’ve been to Utah? Most likely the comment that Utah is the beehive state isn’t on the top of your tongue. Maybe you think of a particular choir or maybe an award winning musical (ding dong). The furthest thought to cross your mind is probably beer.
Utah has very strict liquor laws. Breweries and brewpubs weren’t the norm. Until a Milwaukee transplant changed that. Wasatch Brewery was the very first brewery in Utah.
For those who don’t know, Milwaukee has more bars than churches. When Wasatch Brewery founder Greg Schrif moved to Utah he couldn’t find a bar. Not pleased with the lack of beer, he opened a brewery. While some people didn’t and still don’t approve of this establishment, Wasatch embraces they naughty beer behavior.
Wasatch Brewery beers are based on local culture with a little bit of tongue and cheek humor. The brewery has a full range of beers from year round offerings to limited edition seasonals. One fun, drinkable beer is Last One In.
According to the website, Last One In references a Utah tradition, “raging houseboat parties on Lake Powell.” This light lager is perfect for an all day (or night) party. The light, refreshing taste makes one or five beers go down quietly easily. No need to worry about pairing this beer because it goes with just about anything. The only thing to worry about is keeping the Last One In cold for the whole party.
Wasatch Brewery beers are available at select retailers or at the brewery’s taproom.
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