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17. Quickly getting more Poke Balls
Unfortunately, though it’s easy to figure out how to get better at throwing Poke Balls, knowing and doing remain two different things. Fortunately, the game does somewhat forgive you for not being great at catching Pokemon.
Not only do level up bonuses provide items, you can also get Poke Balls from PokeStops. Of course, you only receive a few per time, and then you have to wait.
However, we’ve determined that the wait time for PokeStops to refresh is typically less than five minutes. So, if you’re parked at a Stop that has a Lure Module going, you can easily get a dozen or more Poke Balls in a short span of time, meaning you can catch as many Pokemon as you can see. PokeStops do also upgrade when you unlock Great and Ultra Balls as well.
We’ve encountered some issues with this trick; sometimes the game still thinks the Stop has not refreshed when it clearly has gone back to blue on the map. The easiest way to fix this is to back out of the PokeStop spin screen, then click on it again. You may have to do it a few times, but soon enough, you’ll be racking up the items.
If you’re lucky enough to live near an area with two or three PokeStops right next to each other, you can simply bounce back and forth between them to your heart’s content.