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27. Type charts
Long-time Pokemon fans probably have a Pavlovian reaction to the sentence, “It’s super effective!” Your reaction might be as simple as a fist pump, or it may be a little smirk if you’re really trying to channel Gary Oak.
For the newbies to the Poke-world, it’s time to learn about typing. Every Pokemon has at least one type. Many have two. That type determines which moves a Pokemon doesn’t take much damage from, what they’ll quickly be knocked out by, and also what sorts of moves they can generally learn.
As noted by sites like IGN, Pokemon GO does not include the “no effect” for moves. For example, Ghost-type moves can hurt Normal-type Pokemon, but will not do very much damage. This is different than the main series of Pokemon games, so it’s important to keep in mind.
IGN also has a complete type chart available. If you’re attacking, you’ll want to start on the right side, find the type of the move you’re using, and then look for the type of the Pokemon across the top. Note that your Pokemon’s type doesn’t affect the type of the move. For example, the Normal-type Eevee can use the Ground-type move Dig.
Most of the super-effectives make sense, but some, like Ice countering Dragon, are not quite so apparent at first glance. You’ll start to remember them as you continue playing.
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