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9. Incubators 101
We’ve mentioned Pokemon Eggs here and there as PokeStop rewards, but now it’s time to dig deep into hatching them and using Incubators. You’re given one Incubator for free at the start of your game; in the above screenshot, you can see it on the right, with the orange base. The orange Incubator is special, because it has infinite uses.
On the left, you can see a blue Incubator. Blue Incubators are given out as level up rewards and can be purchased in the store. They break after three uses. Levels 6, 10, 15, and 25 hand out 1 free Incubator. Level 20 gives you 2 free ones. Hit level 30, and you’ll get 3; reaching level 40 nets you 4. You can also purchase them in the store. 150 Pokecoins gets you 1 extra Incubator.
Unfortunately, there’s a pretty serious limit on how many Eggs you can carry: just 9 at any given time. Yes, that also counts the Eggs you are currently hatching. To hatch an Egg, simply go to your Eggs screen (found in the Pokemon section), pick your Egg, and then pick your Incubator. After that, it’s all about walking.
There are three types of Eggs: 2km, 5km, and 10km. And yes, you have to leave the app open and walk for it to count. When an Egg hatches, you get XP, Candies, and Stardust, with a bonus if it’s a new Pokemon species.
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