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22. What about legendaries?
So, we’ve established that Legendary Pokemon like Mewtwo and Mew exist in the game, as suggested by datamining and’s Pokedex as well as the game’s own Pokedex.
Before we get any further, legendary refers to Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, collectively referred to the “legendary birds.” It also refers to Mewtwo and Mew. Since Pokemon GO only has the first generation as of yet, we don’t need to talk about any other legendaries right now.
Unfortunately, reports of legendary sightings have been proven false. Current speculation has Mewtwo being linked to special events in the game, as the first trailer suggested, but players of Pokemon games have been able to catch Mewtwo before. Mew likely would come the same way, as it has traditionally been distributed via events only.
As for Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, short of going to somewhere like the Arctic, a power plant, or an active volcano, it seems safe to speculate that they, too, will be part of special events within the game.
For now, you’ll have to settle for seeing the outlines of the legendary birds as the logo of each team. Mewtwo and Mew will have to remain mysteries for now.
Perhaps events will mark the first anniversary of Pokemon GO? A special wintertime event for the northern hemisphere doesn’t seem likely, considering that the game makes you go outside.