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26. How to take a gym
Gyms are valuable both as a source of team pride and a way to earn Stardust and Pokecoins. They, like PokeStops, are found at local points of interest, but they tend to be more like buildings rather than statues. For example, on a local college campus, I’ve found a Gym at the school library.
If a Gym is held by your own Team, you can use that Gym to train your own Pokemon, increasing the prestige and the level of the Gym overall.
If it’s not, however, then it might be time for you to change that. Taking a Gym is something you can do on your own or with the help of fellow players on your team. Each Gym can hold up to 10 Pokemon at level 10. When attacking, you can take up to 6 Pokemon in your team.
So, fighting through a Gym and its Pokemon reduces the Gym’s level and prestige. According to the Pokemon GO GamePress guide, for each Pokemon you defeat, you will lower the prestige by 500. Completely sweeping a team — taking out each and every Pokemon — takes another 1,500 prestige away from the Gym.
Once a Gym’s prestige is reduced to 0, it becomes neutral territory, open for claiming by whoever can put their Pokemon in there the fastest.
The fastest way to take a Gym is to team up with other trainers and attack together, which will make it easier for your team to keep attacking the lone defending Pokemon.
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