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6. What Pokemon you get from Eggs
We’ve said that you should prioritize getting 2 km Eggs hatched in your unlimited-use Incubator, and there are really two reasons for that. Aside from being the speediest to hatch, they also contain the least rare Pokemon. has collected enough data to determine which Pokemon come out of which types of Eggs. Unsurprisingly, if you want rare Pokemon, you’ll have to go for 10 km Eggs.
- 2 km: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Caterpie, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Weedle, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Geodude, and Magikarp.
- 5 km: Ekans, Venonat, Sandshrew, Nidoran♀ and ♂, Vulpix, Oddish, Paras, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Poliwag, Machop, Tentacool, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Grimer, Farfetch’d, Seel, Shellder, Gastly, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Cubone, Horsea, Goldeen, Staryu, Lickitung, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Tauros, Porygon, and Bellsprout.
- 10 km: Eevee, Lapras, Snorlax, Dratini, Scyther, Chansey, Jynx, Onix, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Lapras, Eevee, Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Dratini.
While the 5 km Eggs do have the longest list of Pokemon available, there are some hidden gems in there. A good Exeggcute evolved into Exeggcutor can do quite well in taking Gyms with its Grass-Psychic typing. 5 km Eggs do also give out Growlithe, which evolve into Arcanine, an excellent attacker as well.
However, if you want a Charizard and haven’t found any Charmander or Charmeleon in the wild yet, 2 km Eggs will be your best friend. Don’t be surprised if they give you Magikarp or Zubat, though.
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