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Pokemon Go mania has players armed with smartphones hunting streets, parks, rivers, landmarks and other sites to capture monsters and gather supplies. The free app, based on a Nintendo title that debuted 20 years ago, has been adapted to the mobile internet age by Niantic Labs, a company spun out of Google last year. Pokemon Go uses smartphone satellite location, graphics and camera capabilities to overlay cartoon monsters on real world settings, challenging players to capture and train the creatures for battles.
/ AFP / STEFAN HEUNIS (Photo credit should read STEFAN HEUNIS/AFP/Getty Images)
1. How not to get banned
“Wait,” some of you may be saying right now, “you can get banned from this game?” Yes, you can, in fact, be banned and your account deleted. Niantic has stepped up its enforcement of its guidelines, which specifically say that you should not cheat by “using modified or unofficial software; playing with multiple accounts (one account per player, please); sharing accounts; using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location; or selling/trading accounts.”
Recently, Niantic has also posted a statement saying that they will delete accounts that show clear signs of misuse. The company has also given out so-called soft-bans as well, which make it impossible to complete any actions in-game like checking in at PokeStops or catching Pokemon.
Reports say that GPS spoofers will now earn themselves the account deletion ban. Those who abused the Egg-in-Gym glitch will also reportedly be banned. Honestly, is it really worth it for a better Pokemon or a few extra PokeCoins? No. The game can be frustrating, but it’s not worth cheating over. Really.
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Now that you’re armed with these tips and tricks, go forth and conquer the world of Pokemon GO.
We do feel obligated to say, however, that you should pay attention to your surroundings while playing Pokemon GO, and, no matter how tempting it is, not to play while driving. It won’t hatch your Eggs any faster, and there’s a reason that the game now warns you every time you boot it up.