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24. What Pokemon can you catch?
The actual goal of Pokemon GO is to catch all the Pokemon. Plain and simple. For now, that’s actually somewhat feasible, since there are only 151 Pokemon coded into the game right now.
Pokemon fansite has put together a Pokedex, listing each Pokemon, its typing, its average stats, and more. It also details how much candy it takes to evolve a Pokemon.
For longtime Pokemon fans, Pokemon GO does not currently use natures, though there are simplified IVs. (IVs, or individual values, alter a Pokemon’s base stats and create variation. That’s why some Pokemon have better stats than others of the same species.)
Pokemon GO also simplifies statistics down to Hit Points, Attack, and Defense. If you’d really like to get into the formulas behind these stats, Serebii has a nice explanation there as well. The GO stats are also actually derived from Pokemon’s base stats in the main game, so your knowledge from the main games may actually be somewhat useful.
The Pokedex page also lists the potential moves for each Pokemon, which can vary. For example, a Lapras can have either Frost Breath or Ice Shard as its quick move, the one that you can just tap to use during battle. It can then have Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, or Blizzard as its charge move. A Pokemon’s moveset can help you determine whether it’s suited for attacking, defending, or just turning in for candy.